What a fantastic day!!! Yesterday, I got my bike in Flying Ball Bike shop in Mongkok area and I arrived a little bit late ...then Bikeman did not have too much time to explaine me all bike tricks. No worries, I got the bike on the car rack and got home by 8.30 p.m.
Today, I woke up at 5.10 a.m. to get by the car park meeting point, on time by 6.30 a.m. to start my first outdoor (no more fitness bike), but, as it was my first time I missed first turn on the left, arriving late 6.35 a.m. Richard was waiting for me with 3 more guys to bike together...but, I have thought, that, I will catch them on the road to Disney, then, I hurried up and have joined a group of triathletes leaving the parking, after 3K, I have asked them, if they were from Dragons Club ...with negative answer, but, no worries to join their group to cycle together...suddenly, FLAT TIRE :-( !!! at 7K after my training started and no clue how to change it and my spare tire in my car...big mistake! Then, I have thought, end of today's first experience training...what a disaster!! I have removed my bike shoes and start walking barefoot to the car park...totally frustated, but, then the miracle has arrived!!! I have met after 5 minutes walk, Richard and his Dragons mates...and asked me where I was...they were waiting for me to join his group at the end of the parking area!! Ray, Richard's mate changed literally my flat tire in less than 3 minutes and I have restarted my first bike traning together with them...Thank you very much to all 4 Dragons mates!! Then, a new day started...it was great, we have bike to Disney then to the airport and then come back to the parking area....53K in 2 hours, including stops in parking area, flat tire timing, 7Eleven stop...etc., but, it has been a very extreme happiness, once safely arrived to the car park!...just after biking, 20 minutes running 3.5K with over 34 degrees C and high humidity and no wind at all!!
Btw, I attach the link to HK Dragons Triathon Club, where they have written about my first challenge and support to NGO "Caico Foundation" to support and help Cancer Childhood.
"Another member, who is a new member, Xavier Garcia writes that he is using the Olympic Triathlon ITU Disney event on October 18th as a fund raiser for Cancer Childhood victims.
Xavier has a blog site at http:trixavi.blogspot.com where he would welcome a visit from you, should you so wish, he has details about how you can sponsor NGO Caico Foundation in his first ITU event and support this worthy cause."
"XTB" Xavi.
P.S.: Today is my nephiew Bruno first year birthday!! Congratulations and happy birthday!