Mar 14, 2012


Bon dia!

Fa segles que no escric un post donat que no tinc gaires coses per explicar salvo una grip que m´ha deixat KO durant 4 setmanes i no m´ha deixat prepararme bé els meus primers dos targets de la temporada : Granollers (1h38´) i ara toca la marató en uns dies! però no vull parlar d´això...anem al grano!

Pau quanta raó tens...gaudir del esport, en aquest cas corrent i on i com gaudeixo quan parlem de correr? Doncs, corrent  per la muntanya, m´he tornat un cabra...i cada vegada m´aburreix més l´asfalt!!

Així doncs...faré la Marató 2012...fora de forma física però la intentaré gaudir amb els companys dels Dragons! i donant una volteta per la bonica Barcelona!!

Perquè aquest post avui? Ahir vaig sortir a correr sol per la foscor del bosc de Collserola (Dragons...a veure si podem tornar a agruparnos i deixem enrera les lesions, malalties i altres temes i compartim aquests runnings junts!) fins a Sant Medir i quan tornava vaig disfrutar de valent mirant la al.lineació de Jupiter, Venus i la lluna qüasi plena molt a prop com a la foto que encapcela aquesta entrada! Quina passada!! Vaig pensar això és viure ..."La vida es bella!"

Lo millor...arribo a casa i vaig directe als peques per mostrar-lis aquest fenòmen...quina va ésser la meva desil.lusió quan no es veia pràcticament rés per la pol.lució luminosa dels edificis al voltant nostre!! Llàstima!!

Bueno...això era tot el que volia explicar!!

Fins aviat!


English version:

Long time since I wrote a post because I have not too much to explain except that the flu has left me KO for 4 weeks and not let me preparared well my first two targets of the season: Half Marathon Granollers (1h38 ') and now comes the marathon in a few days! but I do not talk about it ... go to the straight to the point!

Pau ... how right you are when you say, enjoy the sport, in this case where and how to enjoy running when it comes to run? Well, running down the mountain, I turned into a wild goat ... and even more concrete is boring me!

So ... I will run Barcelona Marathon 2012 ... out of shape physically but try to enjoy with some Dragons fellows! and giving a tour to the beautiful Barcelona!

Why this post today? Yesterday, I went to run alone into the dark Collserola forest (Dragons. .. let´s  see if we can reagroup again as before and leave back injuries, diseases and other subjects  and start sharing again those runnings!) to Sant Medir and when I returned enjoy watching the fantastic alignment of Jupiter, Venus and the moon almost full and very close to the picture that is heading this post! Incredible! I think this is life ... "Life is beautiful!"

The best part of it, I get home ... and I tell my kids to show this phenomenon ... but what was my disappointment when not being able to look  due to luminous pollution of buildings around us! Too bad!

Well ... that was all I wanted to tell!

See you soon folks!
