Dec 28, 2009

Dec 20, 2009
My Santa Claus 3 wishes list:

2. Love: giving as much as I can to Elaine, Mar and Lucas, all my relatives and close friends.
3. Charity: to raise as much funds as I can donating all of my second challenge Singapore 2010 Half Ironman Kms to raise funds to any of those organizations: FUNDACIÓN CAICO (SPAIN) (http://www.fundacioncaico.org/) or CHILDREN´S CANCER FOUNDATION (HONG KONG) (http://www.ccf.org.hk/). If you want to donate kms you can click link below to follow any of different methods or on the right side you have direct link to donation process: http://trixavi.blogspot.com/2009/11/second-challenge-cancer-childhood-ngos.html
I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010!
Mi lista de 3 deseos para Papá Noel:

1. Salud: practicando triatlón y otros deportes, creo que podré alcanzar una vida saludable,
2.Amor: dando el máximo que pueda a Elaine, Mar y Lucas, todos mis familiares cercanos and amigos íntimos.
3. Caridad: conseguir el máximo de fondos que pueda donando todos los kms de mi segundo desafío Half Ironman en Singapore 2010 para reacuadar estos fondos para cualquiera de estas organizaciones: FUNDACIÓN CAICO (SPAIN) (http://www.fundacioncaico.org/) o CHILDREN´S CANCER FOUNDATION (HONG KONG) (http://www.ccf.org.hk/).
Si deseas dnar algún km puedes clicar en el link más abajo o en la barra derecha dónde el acceso es directo al proceso de donación: http://trixavi.blogspot.com/2009/11/second-challenge-cancer-childhood-ngos.html
Os deseo una Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo 2010!
¨XTB¨ Xavi.
Dec 17, 2009
I am trying to recover my HIM Beginner program training, as last weeks, I have been really busy and with some ¨night conference calls¨ not allowing me to train...but, I will catch up during my mini-vacation!

Dos hombres, ambos muy enfermos, ocupaban la misma habitación de un hospital.
A uno se le permitía sentarse en su cama cada tarde, durante una hora, para ayudarle a drenar el líquido de sus pulmones.
Su cama daba a la única ventana de la habitación. El otro hombre tenia que estar todo el tiempo boca arriba.
Los dos charlaban durante horas. Hablaban de sus mujeres y sus familias, sus hogares, sus trabajos, su estancia en el servicio militar, donde habían estado de vacaciones. Y cada tarde, cuando el hombre de la cama junto a la ventana podía sentarse, pasaba el tiempo describiendo a su vecino todas las cosas que podía ver desde la ventana.
El hombre de la otra cama empezó a desear que llegaran esas horas, en que su mundo se ensanchaba y cobraba vida con todas las actividades, colores del mundo exterior.
La ventana daba a un parque con un precioso lago. Patos y cisnes jugaban en el agua, mientras los niños lo hacían con sus cometas. Los jóvenes enamorados paseaban de la mano, entre flores de todos los colores del arco iris. Grandes árboles adornaban el paisaje, y se podía ver en la distancia una bella vista de la línea de la ciudad.
El hombre de la ventana describía todo esto con un detalle exquisito, el del otro lado de la habitación cerraba los ojos e imaginaba la idílica escena.
Una tarde calurosa, el hombre de la ventana describió un desfile que estaba pasando. Aunque el otro hombre no podía oír a la banda, podía verlo, con los ojos de su mente, exactamente como lo describía el hombre de la ventana con sus mágicas palabras.
Pasaron días y semanas.
Una mañana, la enfermera de día entró con el agua para bañarles, encontrándose el cuerpo sin vida del hombre de la ventana, que había muerto plácidamente mientras dormía. Se llenó de pesar y llamó a los ayudantes del hospital, para llevarse el cuerpo.
Tan pronto como lo consideró apropiado, el otro hombre pidió ser trasladado a la cama al lado de la ventana. La enfermera le cambió encantada y, tras asegurarse de que estaba cómodo, salió de la habitación.
Lentamente, y con dificultad, el hombre se irguió sobre el codo, para lanzar su primera mirada al mundo exterior; por fin tendría la alegría de verlo el mismo. Se esforzó para girarse despacio y mirar por la ventana al lado de la cama... y se encontró con una pared blanca.
El hombre preguntó a la enfermera que podría haber motivado a su compañero muerto para describir cosas tan maravillosas a través de la ventana. La enfermera le dijo que el hombre era ciego y que no habría podido ver ni la pared, y le indico: "Quizás sólo quería animarle a usted".
E p i l o g o :
Es una tremenda felicidad el hacer feliz a los demás, sea cual sea la propia situación. El dolor compartido es la mitad de pena, pero la felicidad, cuando se comparte, es doble.
Si quiere sentirse rico, solo cuente todas las cosas que tiene y que el dinero no puede comprar.Hoy es un regalo, por eso se le llama presente.
Talk to you next post and enjoy Christmas time as much as you can,
¨XTB¨ Xavi.
Dec 12, 2009
First and above all...Elaine's birthday!
Second, I will take some days off in Bali with my family. including, my father who is also joining us (we are extremely happy to receive him for Xmas vacation!)...I am just counting the days to get there and get some relax...and also some running and swim training!

What do you readers/followers think about this decision?
I attach the link to that race:
Third, last but not least, Toni Contestí is going to try to beat worlwide record of 24hours running on a treadmill...and at the same time he is doing that to raise funds for Multiple Sclerosi ABDEM Spanish NGO!
From my blog, I really want if you can send as much comments supporting his challenge and wish him BEST GOOD LUCK to achieve both challenges!!
I attach some links about this event:
Talk to you in my next post!
¨XTB¨ Xavi.
Dec 10, 2009

Dec 9, 2009
LAZY OR ...?
Last 3 days NO TRAINING...
I have reviewed reasons behind:
1. Elaine cooked dinner on Monday, excellent ¨fideuᨠand Tuesday, very tasty ¨Spanis
h tortilla¨ with embutidos...including ¨jamoncito de jabugo¨!...and everybody knows the following: How a man can be trapped by a woman: food or/and ...? (yeap, men are very basic!!)
2. Workload quite intensive last days of the year, specially for Finance guys...it looks like is the ¨End of the world¨ ...
3. Second challenge is still ¨far-away¨over 100 days...
4. No personal coach to cheer,punish or motivate me!...I am thinking on that option, also, to help me and improve, mainly, my running and nutrition attitude.
1. Start tonight with a long run training session (1h30´) longest ever running time for me...as I should start training for my 30K in 2 weeks time.
2. Personal trainer option...I need to think a little bit more about that one and for that I would like from ¨followers¨ or ¨readers¨, if you can give me your opinion and feedback, if it really helped you to have a personal trainer.
3.Vacation...starting December 18th for 9 days! Talk to you soon,
Dec 7, 2009
Interesting ¨Nike free¨ video...comments more than welcome!
Swimming naked in open water is a good feeling...but, running naked?...I don´t think is a nice feeling or healthy exercise!...what about your opinion?
For Laguna Phuket Dragons results, I think we had a podium with Steve Bemet (3rd place Age group 40-44) Congratulations Steve! but above all, I think, we did a good job on last day party night, keeping up Dragons philosophy!!!
Talk to you in my next post!
¨XTB¨ Xavi.
Dec 5, 2009
I have adapted to myself one article from one blogger (http://marinette-lucyfan.blogspot.com/)...that I really agree:
To be nobody but yourself-in a world which is doing its best, day and night, to make you everybody else...means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and NEVER stop fighting.
I tend to be "someone" on the competitive side...huh, really? Not really.
When I was young kid I loved to compete, specially sailing...but after some years, I have learned to take a look at my priorities and goals. Just where did they come from? Are they the products of self-analysis, soul-searching and careful planning?Or could they just be a reaction to the pressures from other people? Did you actually find your goals within yourself or from the pages of somebody else blog, or maybe even from the pages of a magazine?
These answers are quite important because they tell you if the person you're becoming is someone you really want to be.
Let's look at this; just what is a goal? Is it something YOU want or just something you THINK you want? It's not easy to follow our direction in our life, but it really is more possible than you might think. You must question everything. EVERY priority in your life needs to be justified as to why it's there. If you are unable to come up with a good reason which comes from YOU, then maybe it doesn't belong.
While I keep going up and up on numbers within my workouts, I look to see if that is really necessary or is it just "cool" looking to whip out a huge number to impress? While I'm truly not one to impress, but have the hopes to inspire-it becomes apparent that this has some weird effect on people. When I read of others doing "great runs", an "awesome ride", or a "whatever", it makes me want; "to be a part of that" for sure.
Besides all that, I have a huge GOAL to reach next year, and I'm training for it now. I need to crank out what I'm cranking out. I need to do what I'm doing. I've done the soul-search. I know what I want to achieve next year.
People, YOU need to just get over YOUR own insecurities and become the person YOU want to be.
My "leit-motivs" ...
My priorities...
My goals...
Bike training during this morning, from South Bay to Shek O:
Garmin Connect - Activity Details for South Bay to Shek O
Finally, I attach some pics from Lucas...during his Christma's school party, last Wednesday, that I missed (I was in Shanghai) but Elaine took some nice pics of him:

Boring...when will it finish?

Talk to you next post,
"XTB" Xavi.
Dec 4, 2009
I wish all my Dragon mates good luck and best energy to achieve this Sunday Laguna Phuket Triathlon...this time I could not join you because as a Newbie since June 2009, therefore, registration was already closed!
For 2010, I have already registered, number 51...and let's see, if I can classify for HIM Phuket Asia Pacific.
Let me add my top 10 motivational running songs to cheer my Dragons mates:
1. Come as you are (Nirvana):
2. Californication (Red Hot Chilli Peppers):
3. Presidents of the USA (Lump):
4. Queen (Bohemian Rhapsody):
5. Guns n' Roses(Welcome to the jungle):
6. ACDC (Highway to Hell):
7.Dick Dale (Misirlou):
8. Led Zeppelin (Stairway to heaven):
9. Pink Floyd (Money):
10. Deep Purple (Smoke On):
Talk to you next post,
"XTB" Xavi.
Dec 3, 2009