Nov 25, 2009



Let me give you a quick wrap-up of what happened during last 2 weeks...

1. Elaine's surgery (left inguinal hernia) last week...tough recovery first days, but, last 3 days is doing much better! :-)

2. Laptop image for "network connections" disappeared like a phantom from my taskbar and could not connect to internet and local server, then, I got new laptop Thinkpad Lenovo X-200 for just one weekend...Monday after lunch could not restart and all icons disappeared from desktop: diagnostic, "hard disk R.I.P."...anyway, finally, I got laptop ready with new HD, last Wednesday morning.

3. CheckTri logo: please, vote about it in the pool?

4. Yesterday, Abba mania show....great songs from the past, great memories (my old sister hippie time)...and great show and dance from the all the crowd, included, Elaine (very carefully...could almost not move one week and one day after her surgery but tried her best), Geert and myself! ...afterwards, why not, some tapas and wherever a better place in Hong Kong than...

5. Uno Más Barcelona, tapas restaurant in Wanchai (Hong Kong), lead by my friend David Izquierdo (Great Chef...worked en El Bulli some years ago!) , great tapas, including un ¨codillo¨ with a quite good wine Beronia Reserva 2005 and finalizing with a ¨carajillo de Bayleys¨!...excellent, company, wine and conversation to start the weekend...but, next day,

6. Bike training starting @ 6 a.m. with just 4 hours sleep, overall, quite good training, wth Richard, Paul and Julian Dragons mates, (guys is very interesting to meet and talk to you to learn from 2 to 3 new things about that ¨challenging¨sport), except today was too windy and I finished with some pain on my right knee. Julian suggested me to contact Toby, specialist, on setting-up the bike to my biomechanics to avoid any potential injury in the future!! I think tomorrow morning, I will meet him in Sheck O´...50 Kms 1h40´ 29.5 Km/h...not so bad after that strong wind!. Just one last comment, I belie veyesterday´s wine affected on my tribag preparation, because, I forgot my helmet...forunately, I have detected my forgetfullness quite quick just 20 mins after heading to Disney area.

7. ¨Lack of sleep¨ and its effect on any sport be reviewed on my next post!

8. Finally, I have decided to update my title phrase on a monthly base...have a look to new one!

Talk to you next post, right now, my eyes are getting close while writing those words,

Goodnight to all readers!!

¨XTB¨ Xavi.

Nov 20, 2009


I have finally decided that for my second challenge, I will try to raise funds for two Cancer Childhood NGO's: Fundación Caico in Spain and Children´s Cancer Foundationin Hong Kong.

I would like to introduce my second challenge, AVIVA IRONMAN 70.3 TRIATHLON SINGAPORE (March 21st, 2010), I will try to raise funds for a good help and collaborate actively with two NGO´s: Fundación Caico (Spain)( and Cancer´s Childhood Foundation (Hong Kong) (

I am donating all 113 Kms which is the Half Ironman Triathlon distance (1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run) and I have made up my mind to sell those to raise funds to support those two NGO´s .

Donations can be done as it follows:

1. Friends/Relatives/Anonymous (Km-1 to 113): Each individual can buy a kilometer by 50 Euros/500 HKD, except for, first and last kilometer of each discipline (Km-1, & Km-2 -swim-, Km-3 & Km-92 -bike-,Km-93 & Km-113 -run-)- by 100 Euros/1,000HKD each.
2. Friends/Relatives/Anonymous (Km-0): Any amount from 1 Euro/10HKD are accepted and will accumulate into Km-0.

3. Companies or Institutions Sponsorship: as part of Corporate Social Responsibility, can sponsor my second challenge contacting myself to my personal e-mail: . After receiving its sponsorship, I will wear Company or Institution logo in my triathlon clothes, media appearances and blogsite, explain main of their activities and reinforce its Corporate Resonsibility message. I have created 4 Sponsorhip categories:
D iamond above > 3,000Euros/30,000HKD
G old > 1,500 Euros/15.000HKD
S ilver > 750 Euros/7,500 HKD
B ronze > 300 Euros/3,000 HKD
An agreed % of that sponsorhip will be donated to NGO selected by the Company or Institution.
I will update periodically about total amount and kilometers donated to both NGO's thru this blog.
Talk to you next post,
"XTB" Xavi.
Me gustaría introduciros mi segundo desafío, AVIVA HALF IRONMAN 70.3 TRIATHLON SINGAPORE (Marzo 21, 2010), voy a intentar conseguir fondos para una buena causa...ayudar y colaborar activamente con dos ONG´s Fundación Caico (España) )( y Cancer´s Childhood Foundation (Hong Kong) (
Voy a donar los 113 Kms que consta la prueba de Half Ironman Triatlón (1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run) y he decidido venderlos para recaudar fondos para ayudar a ambas ONG´s.
Las donaciones se pueden realizar de la siguiente forma:
1. Amigos/Familiares/Anónimos (Km-1 al 113): Cada inidviduo puede comprar un kilómetro por 50 Euros/500HKD, excepto para, el primer y último kilómetro de cada disciplina (Km-1, & Km-2 -swim-, Km-3 & Km-92 -bike-,Km-93 & Km-113 -run-) que se venden por 100 Euros/1,000HKD cada uno.
2. Amigos/Familiares/Anónimos (Km-0): Cualquier importe a partir de 1 Euro/10HKD se puede donar y se acumulará en el Km-0.
3. Empresas o Instituciones Esponsorización: como parte de Responsabilidad Corporativa, pueden esponsorizar mi segundo desafío contactandome en mi e-mail personal . Una vez recibida la esponsorización, llevaré visible el logo de la Empresa o Institución en mi ropa deportiva de triatlón, en las apariciones de prensa, así como en mi blog, explicando detalladamente principales actividades y reforzando el mensaje de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de la misma.
Para ello existen 4 categorías de Sponsor:
D iamond más de > 3,000Euros/30,000HKD
G old > 1,500 Euros/15.000HKD
S ilver > 750 Euros/7,500 HKD
B ronze > 300 Euros/3,000 HKD
Un % acordado de dicho valor se destinará a la ONG seleccionada por la Empresa o Institución.
Muchas gracias anticipadas,
¨XTB¨ Xavi.

Nov 19, 2009



Yesterday night, I did my first "serious" technical run training coached by Mike Maiers in Aberdeen Sports Ground running track.

We started with a quick warm-up 2 laps, then, Cooper test, 12' running to achieve as much distance as I could...result 3K @ pace of 4'/km and, finally, 4 x 700 meters series with different instructions for each.

Mike gave me some tips how to improve my running skills:

1. Arms up and more relaxed,
2. Body a little bit inclinated 5 to 10%,
3. Step flatter and shorter.

After trying to run, as he explained me, my speed improved quite a lot but also my effort...not yet natural movements!haha Thanks a lot Mike!

Conclusion, EXCELLENT TRAINING SESSION, enjoying with other Dragon members in a cold Hong Kong night 14C.

I attach chronicle sent by Mike to all participants:

"Hello Runners,
Some good efforts last night for the Coopers Run Test.
The below results are in the archive, so this will be your goal for the next time we perform this.

Name Dist. Run in 12min Average/km
James 3.4k 3.31
Paul A.M. 2.8k 4.17
Nerida 2.9k 4.08
Riggsy 2.7k 4.26
David 3.0k 4.00
Mel 2.6k 4.36
Jason 3.2k 3.45
Paul T 3.2k 3.45
Xavier 3.0k 4.00
Steve B 3.3k 3.38
Andree 2.4k 5.00
(includes toilet stop)"

"XTB" Xavi.

Nov 16, 2009



I have a good new for you...yesterday, Dragons Triclub nominated as "Newbie 2009" during Dragons End of Season Party beach...what a joy, surprise and unexpected award!

From left to right: Paul, Richard, Xavi, Julian and Mike.

I attach chronicle from Richard Thornton (Dragons Newsletter) and link:

"Dragons End of Season Beach Party

What a great night, and I was impressed with how much a Dragons triathelete is actually capable of drinking - the food was there and picked at, but the booze was hoovered up. For the committee members that work in the background keeping the club alive, it was a real reward to see so many people there.

The philosophy of the club has always been "A club run by members for the members" - we are not profit making, so everything gets ploughed back into the club for your benefit and enjoyment. The post race sausages have served two jobs this year. One, was obviously to feed you after the race, but secondly and actually the primary point of doing the sausages, was so that people would stay a while after each race and get to meet and chat with fellow racers. And this shone through at the end of season do, where we had 50+ members mingling, drinking and having a laugh - besides the racing, this really is what the club is all about.

And with 40 of us on the Drunken Dragons table at Phuket - it shows that the club camaraderie is strong.

A few special awards were handed out on the night (Below) as well as over a dozen prizes in the lucky draw:-

Best Male improver - Matt Holland
Best Female improver - Kate Ruthersford
Most committed racer - Chris Gunns
Best Newbie - Xavier Garcia
Best Tri Tumble - Ray Wepener

Our Thanks again are extended to Escapade Sports for supporting the Dragons and providing us with many of the gifts.

If you haven't visited them yet, then you must, as it really is a one-stop shop for the triathlete, and the staff are really helpful and very knowledgable. "

Talk to you next post,

"XTB" Xavi.

Nov 10, 2009



Just "fresh" info from tonight's dinner, we are starting a TRICKP team with new Finance triathlete beginners, as Nicolas Brouchon, Omar Durrani, Jim Levy, Steve Giafaglione, Sergio Soriano, Al Wieand and myself, to participate at least in 1 of those 3 Olympic triathlon during 2010:
Philadelphia (,
Barcelona ( and/or
Hong Kong (

I invite from here to more CKP employees to join our "small and crazy" TRICKP group...and let's see how many members can we get until 2010 June, first challenge, as new triathlete beginners, looking for becoming 'FINISHERS' very soon!

I have explained them that first thing they need, as I did 5 months ago is to select a training plan from a good webstie, as for example, and start training hard on weakest part of the tri...that it looks like is going o be for them the swim and for me keep training the running!

Talk to you next post!

"XTB" Xavi.

Nov 7, 2009



I am in Hong Kong airport 00.35 a.m. in my way to Philadelphia (18 hours flight) for a full Finance meeting week to cover very interesting topics...but, I believe, my training will be affected (last 2 days no training at I missed 89 Kms with my Dragons mates in Disney).

My goal, for tomorrow, is at least to recover part of it with a long bike static ride in the hotel fitness room before go to the stadium to attend..Philadelphia Eagles vs. Dallas Cowboys, NFL game. Go Eagles Go!

Btw, I might have a chance to participate in Phuket Laguna triathlon (1.8Kms swim, 55Kms bike, 12Kms run) December 6th, which will really help me to prepare my second challenge HIM in Singapore March 2010.

Talk t oyou next post,

"XTB" Xavi.

Nov 4, 2009


Opening my heart and finding beauty
I was not brought up in an emotional household. My parents were strict and unforgiving. Years later I realized that this was the way they cared. Better to have strict parents than parents that don’t care. The worst thing a parent can do to a child is not care. Children want to know that their parents care for them in some way shape or form. I know my parents cared. Now years later, I am on my own spiritual path. I am on a path to open up my heart and to be totally free. I want to be free of worry, doubt, envy and fear. I want to find beauty in all of life’s simplest of moments. I want to live each and every moment to the fullest. Tonight I was watching the sunset turn the sky into ribbons of a deep salmon color. It was one of those beautiful “ah ha” moments. This is what life is all about. Letting go of all those illogical worries and loving my short time on this earth. I want to embrace each moment and open my heart to all of them. Always.

Opening my heart before my mind reacts.
As I drive across the bridge in the morning, I sometimes click off the Audio book I’m listening to and drive in silence. I then hear the soft thumping of the tires on the bridge struts. As my mind quiets I watch the soft, grey morning clouds float off the top of the skyscrapers. I watch the golden rays of sunshine reflect off a thousand window panes, creating a magical splash of vibrant gold across the city. If a driver cuts me off, I feel my heart contract and begin to close. Before my mind reacts I allow my heart open again and let the moment go. I am too much in love with this morning and this life to allow my heart to close and have my mind react negatively. It is going to be a magnificent day. I only have a short time on the earth. This is my path. I am on it now, there is no going back.

INSTANTS (Poem Jorge Luis Borges)
If I were able to live my life anew,
In the next I would try to commit more errors.
I would not try to be so perfect,
I would relax more.
I would be more foolish than I've been.
In fact, I would take few things seriously.
I would be less hygienic.
I would run more risks, take more vacations, contemplate more sunsets, climb more mountains, swim more rivers.
I would go to more places where I've never been, I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans, I would have more real problems and less imaginary ones.
I was one of those people that lived sensiblyand prolifically each minute of his life; Of course I had moments of happiness.
If I could go back I would tryto have only good moments.Because if you didn't know, of that is life made: only of moments;
Don't lose the now.I was one of those that never went anywhere without a thermometer, a hot-water bottle, an umbrella, and a parachute;
If I could live again, I would travel lighter.
If I could live again, I would begin to walk barefoot from the beginning of springand I would continue barefoot until autumn ends.
I would take more cart rides, contemplate more dawns, and play with more children, If I had another life ahead of me.
But already you see, I am 85, and I know that I am dying.


Peace (U2 song)

See the world in green and blue
See China right in front of you
See the canyons broken by cloud
See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
See the Bedouin fires at nightSee the oil fields at first light
And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth
After the flood all the colors came out
It was a beautiful day
Don’t let it get away Beautiful day


Nov 1, 2009


Just to add a brief note about my Sunday training race...and despite of my pain on right knee, I am very happy because I have ran my 10K with a pace below 5'/Km and in first swim part after 400m I was 4th classified (swimming works well for me!).
I have finished 13th on my category.

Racer Description BibNumber OverallPlacing CategoryPlacing FinishTime
Xavier Garcia Male Challenge 35-39 144 56 13 01:02:59

I attach my running and laps data from my Garmin 310XT:

Talk to you next post,

"XTB" Xavi.