Jul 14, 2009


Dear Friends!

One month ago, when this idea landed to my brain three first questions were:

1. What training plan should I follow?

2. I can run and swim by myself....but I need a bike!wowWhich one?

3. Do I need to be registered to any Triathlon club to participate on those events?

1. For the first question, quite easy answer, as first step, I went to google and typed: triathlon training plan and very fast in less than 1 second appeared excellent website and perfect to clarify many doubts: .From this website, I selected the "16 Week Olympic: 2x Balanced" and since that day (5 weeks ago) I have started following all training days plan, mixing, run, swim and bike (up to now just fitness bike).

2.I still don't have the bike and I have some trouble to make up my mind to decide which bike should I buy...tribike or just road bike, with handlebars?!?. Bikeman (Thanks guy!) from "Flying Ball Bycicle" Hong Kong store is helping me to understand and clarify what kind of bike do I need. I am thinking on Cannondale Slice 5 Hi-mod or a road Cannondale...but still not clear...I might go this weekend to that store to finalize my decision.

3. Last one, was the easier one...Triathlon Club....again, I use internet to check and finf one, I did just type in google: Hong Kong triathlon club ...and after 1 second...Dragons Triathlon Club appeared on my screen then I registered myself after some minutes reading the website. Next steps is to get Dragons trispeed suit XXL to participate in next races and adventure events. Dragons Triathlon Club has over 100 members and they do monthly triathlon race trainings. I still did not meet personally any member of the club but, via email, I have already contacted, Julian Cosgrave & Richard Thornton, very nice and helpful guys (Thanks a lot!)

Friends...2 less topics to worry about, training plan is already on my hands...and Triclub, I am already registered in one! Next step solve bike selection.

See you in my next post and I will explain you my first Ocean Swim 1.4km experience in Hong Kong last Sunday!

"XTB" Xavi.


What is ¨Caico Foundation¨ (Help and Cooperation for Childhood Cancer) and how can you help them?

About us-

Since the ¨Foundation Caico¨ want to help people whose lives are disrupted by childhood cancer.This sickness of childhood cancer refers to thoe tumors that are diagnosed in children and teenagers under 15 years old. The treatment of childhood cancer combined several therapeutic modalities: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, bone narrow transplantation. Most of these treatments involve toxicity and side effects.

Are diagnosed every year in Spain more than 1,000 new cases.

Progress in second half of the Twentieth Century in the diagnosis, treatment and cure of malignant diseases of children and teenagers are one of the most significant achievements in the field of oncology and may resemble many other achievements in pediatrics. Therefore in the XXI Century, pediatric oncology, there aremore possibilities of cure, over 70%.

Key Activities-

In line with our aims, through the Foundation Caico develop our activities in the following areas:

. Improving the lives of hospitalized children and their families: They are continuing to improve the hospital environment for children to have some amusement and entertainment during the long days of hospitalization. One example is pediatric oncology unit of Hospital Niño Jesús.

. Socio-economic support to families: Sometimes the costs outweigh the additional support provided by the Government. Accordingly, the Foundation Caico develops:

- Help care for the payment of additional expenses incurred, in some cases essential.

- Actions in situations of insecurity and helplessness.

- Specific support for cases with poor prognosis.

- Psychological support contracted by the Foundation.

. Promotion and development of research projects and scolarships for training of professionals in oncology. Through an agreement with the insurance company Willis and in collaboration with the team of Dr. D. Luis Madero, we have created a scholarship that provides expertise in a medical oncology childhood.

. Provide cancer treatment to children in the poorest countries.


Dear Friends,

Let me explain you my first 2 main targets:

1. 2009 Hong Kong ITU Olympic Triathlon Premium Asian Cup-(Age Group 35-39): 1.5km swim, 40 km bike and 10 km run...timing goal less than 3 hours!

2. Half Ironman (1.9km swim, 90km bike and 21km run) by third quarter 2010....which one not yet decided and timing idea, as of today!

For those targets, I am going to prepare and explain how I have started my training in my next post.

To contribute for Caico Foundation there are three ways:

1. Institutionnal: Companies that would like to sponsor me can do it with a donation and then I offer them the option to add Company logo during race day, hang your logo on a permanent basis on this blog and ensure it will appear in all media appearances (print, radio and TV).

2. Friends: We sell all 51.5 kms, so you can buy for 40Euro or 50USD,each km of my first 2009 Hong Kong ITU Olympic triathlon Premium Asian Cup next October 18th . First and last kilometer may be purchased at 80Euroor 100USD each.

3. "Km 0": For all types of imputs and not conforming the km auction, or once all kilometers are bought, you can continue to help the project through contributions of any amount at Km 0 in the account of Foundation.

All donations will go directly to the bank account of the Foundation Caico (Caja Madrid 2038 19 4874 6000 (Transfers from Spain) and IBAN ES16 2038 1948 7460 0008 5554 BIC:CAHMESMMXXX (International Transfers) and will be managed by its DManaging Director (Ms. Luisa Fonseca). Occasionally, through the internet blog will be report the money raised and kilometres bought. When you do the transfer indicate as concept: Asia XTB Half Ironman and Caico Foundation chosen form of collaboration, Company name, number of kms purchased or "Km 0". for any queries related to donations contact me by writing a message to

I thought one of the most effective way to communicate with you without saturating your email inbox will be through this blog . I will update this blog on a regular basis, (depending on my work and travelling allows me...late at night!), and inform you with my training progress, including other training races to be ready to achieve my goals for my first Olympic triathlon and 2010 Half Ironman.

Thanks a lot in advance for your support and talk to you in my next post,

"XTB" Xavi.


Dear Friends!

My name is Xavi García and for those who don´t know me, I like to practice (and watch on TV) any kind of sports, specially sailing (started in Optimist, 470 and Finn class competing during 18 years), tennis, running, swimming, etc...and since, some years ago, in fact more than 9 years, I have one wish-goal every New Year to get under 100kgs...but, unfortunately, I did not achieve it...yet.
Finally, one month ago I decided to start preparing myself to accomplish my for first Olympic triathlon in Hong Kong (I am an expat since July 2008) and, finally, in one year base, to try my first ¨Half Ironman¨...long way to go!!
Why ¨Triathlon¨? I like swimming, running and "mountain" bike...(no experience at all with road bike!!).
How to start? I would like to have a weekly training plan.

¨Leit motivs¨...basically 3:

1st. To get fit and healthy (I am getting close to 40´s...) and try to get under 100 kgs. by end of year 2009.
2nd. To support and sponsor a good cause: ¨Caico Foundation¨ ( colaborating internationnaly with Manuel Clavel and his ¨Ironmancaico¨ oddissey! (
3rd. The most important one, to remember and honor my mom, who suddenly passed away (09.07.07) already two years ago who was a sports lover and practised gymnastic and aquagym very frequently.

I don´t want to finish this introduction about myself whitout saying THANK YOU IN ADVANCE to my family: first my wife, Elaine, for supporting my idea and challenge and for my two lovely kids: Mar (5 years old...great swimmer) and Lucas (almost 3 years old...great ¨little monster¨).

Thanks to all of you for taking your time to read my blog and collaborate with ¨Caico Foundation¨!

¨XTB¨ Xavi.