As if you have read my blog, I am going for vacation to Spain during several weeks tomorrow and want to invite you to join me for a 10 K run trying to beat my PB, as of today 46´30´´!
What, Where, When, Why, and Who?
What? 10 K run
Where? Carretera de les Aigües (Barcelona) (my preferred place to run in Barcelona...)
When? June 30th, 7.00 P.M.
Why? I would like to meet, as much as many bloggers, but, this time ¨face to face¨to hsare with you one training and, if you help and support to try to achieve my PB in 10K, achieved in Hong Kong " 46´30´´.
Who? Everyone who wants to join!!!
Por favor, todos aquellos que os queráis apuntar a la misma....pues, colocar un comentario abajo para saber más o menos cuantos seremos...y no colapsar el parking de la Carretera de les Aigües!! (jaja es broma)
Btw, about the logo on the top, I was looking for a 10K logo and I found this one...I did this race in 2008 and was impressive, 11,449 finishers! it really remembered me Cursa de Bombers 2005, 2006...
I hope to see some bloggers on that date! Thanks in advance!
¨XTB¨ Xavi.
P.D: Per cert, no em vull oblidar de felicitar als meus nebots: MOLTES FELICITATS! Ariana i 15 anys avui! Per cert, excel.lents jugadors de basket...el Xavi Assalit, és el actual base del DKV Joventut Cadet B (per mi un futur ¨Ricky¨però evidentment que ha de dir el seu tiet!!!) i la Ari millor base del St. Adrià, on juga la meva fillola i germana gran d´ells, la Blanca de 3 al equip Senior Copa del St. Adrià!...i per cert, els seus papis fan avui també 21 anys de casats! Felicitats per tots!
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
19 hours ago