During one year, I have really enjoyed my blogging experience and learned a lot about this fantastic "other world" to learn a lot about the "real world" and mainly "triathlon/running world"!
I have reviewed my first post (July 14th, 2009) and objectives set on that time:
1st. To get fit and healthy (I am getting close to 40´s...) and try to get under 100 kgs. by end of year 2009: ACHIEVED,as right now I am 99 Kgs (lost 16 Kgs during last 12 months)...and feel much more fit than one year ago but less than next year...(I hope so!)
2nd. To support and sponsor a good cause: ¨Caico Foundation¨ ( colaborating internationnaly with Manuel Clavel and his ¨Ironmancaico¨ oddissey! ( ACHIEVED,as I sold all Kms of my first Olympic triathlon distance last Ocotber raising close to 4,000 Euros, thanks to all who believed in me and I finalized that triathlon under my 3 hours goal, 2h34'...not bad for my first one!
3rd. The most important one, to remember and honor my mom, who suddenly passed away (09.07.07) already two years ago who was a sports lover and practised gymnastic and aquagym very frequently.ACHIEVED AND WILL ALWAYS ACHIEVE,time flies, already 3 years that my mom left us...and will always follow her lessons and push to help anyone interested to quit smoking, as is one of the worst "killer phantom" that exist!
Unfortunately, one days is just 24 hours...and time flies! and as per my last quote " "WHEREVER YOU GO, GO WITH ALL YOUR HEART" Confucius...
Finally, to all of you THANK YOU VERY MUCH to read and follow my blog during last year...and I don't know, if this will be my last post on this blog or not, but, I need a break for a while...HASTA PRONTO AMIGOS!
SPECIAL THANKS, to my lovely family: Elaine, Mar and Lucas, you deserve all my time...
"XTB" Xavi.
P.S: Btw, THANK YOU Pau (and your wife Bea to join and support us during this event) ( who helped me to beat my 10 KMS PB (46'00'') together with other runners, as Xavi, and bloggers from ( as Ferran, Toni and my CKP colleague Steve Giafaglione...may be we could do it again but next time for HM PB?...Ferran, I believe you can lead this initiative from your running blog once every 6 months...just some ideas!! THANKS AGAIN!! I really enjoyed that dusty day!
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
19 hours ago