Let me go topic by topic:
1. ITBS, yesterday, I went to check my injury and received my first ultrasound massage but physiotherapist did not tell me estimated time to be recovered....but, will try my best to get recovered asap and be ready fro HIM Singapore 2010! He suggested me to train lots of swimming and core strength while my injury is not yet keep fit for my second challenge!
Btw, out of top 5 running injuries, I got already two of them (ITBS and Shin splints...may be my weight is still not helping too much!!)....let's cross fingers to stop that trend asap!
Check-out this article out:
Btw, today I have bought my first swimming wetsuit, Orca Sonar...commnents about it from some follower or triathletes will be more than welcome!...I am counting the hours to get into Hong Kong frozen water tonight!
2. VO2 Max and Body fat scan...I attach summary of both tests for your review, but, still 24% of my body weight is fat...I don´t want to imagine when I was 115Kgs 8 months ago (13Kgs more than today...)
Ambient Data:
Height (m)
Weight (kg)
BIA Scales (body fat %)
Temperature (°C)
Pressure (mmHg)
Humidity (%)
Test Results:
Aerobic Threshold (beats/min)
Lactate Threshold (beats/min)
Maximum Heart Rate (beats/min)
Blood Lactate at Maximum (mmol/L)
Speed at Maximum (km/h +gradient)
18 km/h @ 1%
VO2 max (L/min)
VO2 max (ml/kg/min)
Maximum Ventilation (L/min)
Body DXA Results Summary:
Region BMC Fat Lean Lean+BMC Total Mass % Fat
(g) (g) (g) (g) (g)
L Arm 298.29 1173.5 4254.4 4552.7 5726.2 20.5
R Arm 301.52 1189.7 4257.6 4559.1 5748.8 20.7
Trunk 1006.79 12929.1 35887.0 36893.8 49822.9 26.0
L Leg 718.91 3976.6 12757.7 13476.6 17453.2 22.8
R Leg 695.08 3973.7 12018.6 12713.7 16687.3 23.8
Subtotal 3020.59 23242.7 69175.2 72195.8 95438.5 24.4
Head 726.01 1087.1 3710.1 4436.1 5523.2 19.7
Total 3746.60 24329.8 72885.3 76631.9 100961.7 24.1
BMC Fat Lean Lean+BMC Total Mass % Fat
(g) (g) (g) (g) (g)
R1 63.64 1795.4 5001.9 5065.5 6860.9 26.2
Net 63.64 1795.4 5001.9 5065.5 6860.9 26.2
Still a long way to improve!!
3. Cancer Childhood Organizations...just 250Euros raised year to date, (after 2,500 Euros raised on my first challenge), looks a poor result...but, I know we are in full "economic downturn"...that is why, from now until March 21st, any amount above 5 Euros can be donated to Fundación Caico (Spain) and Children´s Cancer Foundation (Hong Kong) and will go to Km-0, of course, if you want to buy 1Km for 50 Euros, the kids will appreciate very much your kindness!! Look at the right side of my blogsite: ¨HOW TO DONATE 1 KM?¨and just click to one of both can donate any amount using VISA card secure process or bank transfer.
Btw, there is another event for St. Baldricks in Hong Kong and in other places in the World...and yes I am going to shave my head, too!
Have a look! at HKIS middle school on April 22nd and in toher places of the World to raise funds for this NGO Cancer Childhood.
4, Finally, I have just realized that I have achieved 100 posts...not bad for just 9 months triathlon adventures but of course more to come to keep at least entertaining my 55 followers by now!
Now, is time to rest my right knee due to ITBS... avoid a DNF in HIM Singapore 2010!!
Talk to you in my next post and enjoy the training!
¨XTB¨ Xavi.