… Aquesta vegada seré breu, en el tema de la crònica de la Half Ironman a les Angles, triatló Les Garrotxes.
- Natació…no vaig provar abans de la sortida les condicions de nedar en un llac a mil i alguns metros d’alçada…greu error…i vaig fer la meva pitjor natació en triatlons! Lliçó apresa.
La meva cara reflecteix...el resultat de nedar
en un llac en altitud i no haver-ho entrenat abans!
2. Bici…sense comentaris, 1,800 metros desnivell acumulat…per un tio com jo de quasi 100 Kgs…inhumà, però, perfecte per meditar una estona llarga…més abaix veureu el perquè.
3. Running…molt bones sensacions malgrat la meva lesió de fàscia lata…segons el Xavi A. degut a la adrenalina que portava acumulada…ho va fer tot…i el meu cos va descobrir una nova sensació: fasciculacions!! Brutal, com un parell d’aliens als meus bessons amunt i avall a tota pastilla…quan em faltaven 4 Km per arribar a meta.
Sortint de la T-1
3. Running…molt bones sensacions malgrat la meva lesió de fàscia lata…segons el Xavi A. degut a la adrenalina que portava acumulada…ho va fer tot…i el meu cos va descobrir una nova sensació: fasciculacions!! Brutal, com un parell d’aliens als meus bessons amunt i avall a tota pastilla…quan em faltaven 4 Km per arribar a meta.
Sip....encara em faltava 1 volta i anava
molt bé...fins els darrers 4 Kms.
- Arribada…en 6h36´…sí ho podria haver fet millor, però, em quedo amb el plaer de gaudir i compartir amb els fantàstics Dragons i familiars, crec, si no m’equivoco uns 10 participants en les diverses distàncies!
The End!
El tema que vull comentar i que suposo cadascú té la seva opinió, però he arribat a la conclusió que el límit mental és molt superior al límit físic...és a dir, la força mental d’una persona és el límit d’aquesta. Gràcies al empirisme...aquest cap de setmana ho he pogut viure amb el meu propi cos...i en què pensava per superar les barreres de la meva limitació física, sobretot inici segona ascensió i fasciculacions...doncs en la meva mare que ens va deixar fa quatre anys, justament el dia abans de la triatló, però, continua essent una guia i força insuperable per a mi en tot el que faig en aquesta vida...sense ella (i evidentment sense el meu pare) no hagués existit...però la seva forma de viure, encarar i moderar les adversitats va ésser sempre una lliçó magistral: gràcies mami per donar-me forces per cuidar de mi i de la meva família! T’estimo i no t’oblidaré mai!
Per cert, vull agrair al Pau i la Bea per la seva hospitalitat a casa seva durant el dia abans, al Víctor per acompanyar-me tota la primera ascensió i a tota la family Dragons que ens va animar i fotografiar en tot moment, així com, felicitar als participants pel magnífic paper i resultat de tots els Dragons en totes les seves distàncies i, en especial, pel debut del Víctor i Carlos en Sprint i el Albert en Olímpic.
Aquí abans de la sortida amb Pau, Xavi A.,
Mikel i jo mateix.
Dragons family!
Finalment, això d’estar de Rodríguez més de 5 setmanes, cada vegada em desagrada més i s´em fa molt més difícil...i com sempre dedico aquest repte al Lucas, la Mar i la Elaine, que avui per avui ha estat el més satisfactori de tots els que he fet!
Apa Dragons i Friends! Fins la propera!!
¨XTB¨ Xavi.
(In English)
... This time I will be brief on the issue of my second Half Ironman in Les Angles, The Garrotxes triathlon.
1. Swimming ... I did not test before the conditions in a lake to swim in a few thousand meters of altitude ... big mistake ... and I did my worst swim in triathlons! Lesson learned.
2. Bike ... no comments ... 1.800 meters accumulated for a guy like me almost 100 kg just brutal ... but perfect for meditating a long time ... more below you will see why.
3. Running a good feeling ... despite my injury ... as fascia lata Xavi A told me due to the adrenaline that had accumulated ... did everything ... and my body discovered a new sensation: fasciculations! Brutal as a couple of aliens up and down my calfs full speed when I was reaching ... 4 km to the finish line.
4. Arrival at 6h36 ... '... yes it could have done better, but I prefered the pleasure to enjoy and share with Dragons family, I think, overall 10 participants at various triathlon distances during the weekend!
The theme that I remarked that I guess everyone has their opinion, but I have concluded that mental limit is much higher than the physical limit ... that is, the mental strength of a person is the limit of his mind . Thanks to empiricism ... this weekend I could live with my own body ... and when I thought to overcome the barriers of my physical limitations, especially second round up-hill and fasciculations ... then, I started thinking about my mother who passed away four years ago, just the day before the triathlon, however, remains unsurpassed for strength and guidance to me in everything I do in this life ... without it (and obviously without my father) I will not behere sharing that experience with all of you ... but her way of living and moderate face of adversity she always will be a lecture: mom thanks for giving me the strength to take care of my family and myself! I love you and will never forget you!
By the way, I want to thank Pau and Bea for their kind hospitality in her home during the day before, to Victor to ride with me throughout the first ascent and the entire family Dragons who encouraged us and took those pictures all the time and, congratulate the participants in the incredible success and outcome of all the Dragons in all distances and in particular for the debut of Carlos and Victor on Sprint and Albert in Olympic one.
Finally, to be Mr. Rodriguez be more than 5 weeks, I dislike it more and more and it´s much more difficult, year after year ... and as always I want to offer my success on this last challenge to Lucas, Mar and Elaine, which at present has been hardest and most satisfactory of all I've done!
Dragons and Friends! Talk to you very soon!
¨ XTB¨ Xavi.
1. Swimming ... I did not test before the conditions in a lake to swim in a few thousand meters of altitude ... big mistake ... and I did my worst swim in triathlons! Lesson learned.
2. Bike ... no comments ... 1.800 meters accumulated for a guy like me almost 100 kg just brutal ... but perfect for meditating a long time ... more below you will see why.
3. Running a good feeling ... despite my injury ... as fascia lata Xavi A told me due to the adrenaline that had accumulated ... did everything ... and my body discovered a new sensation: fasciculations! Brutal as a couple of aliens up and down my calfs full speed when I was reaching ... 4 km to the finish line.
4. Arrival at 6h36 ... '... yes it could have done better, but I prefered the pleasure to enjoy and share with Dragons family, I think, overall 10 participants at various triathlon distances during the weekend!
The theme that I remarked that I guess everyone has their opinion, but I have concluded that mental limit is much higher than the physical limit ... that is, the mental strength of a person is the limit of his mind . Thanks to empiricism ... this weekend I could live with my own body ... and when I thought to overcome the barriers of my physical limitations, especially second round up-hill and fasciculations ... then, I started thinking about my mother who passed away four years ago, just the day before the triathlon, however, remains unsurpassed for strength and guidance to me in everything I do in this life ... without it (and obviously without my father) I will not behere sharing that experience with all of you ... but her way of living and moderate face of adversity she always will be a lecture: mom thanks for giving me the strength to take care of my family and myself! I love you and will never forget you!
By the way, I want to thank Pau and Bea for their kind hospitality in her home during the day before, to Victor to ride with me throughout the first ascent and the entire family Dragons who encouraged us and took those pictures all the time and, congratulate the participants in the incredible success and outcome of all the Dragons in all distances and in particular for the debut of Carlos and Victor on Sprint and Albert in Olympic one.
Finally, to be Mr. Rodriguez be more than 5 weeks, I dislike it more and more and it´s much more difficult, year after year ... and as always I want to offer my success on this last challenge to Lucas, Mar and Elaine, which at present has been hardest and most satisfactory of all I've done!
Dragons and Friends! Talk to you very soon!
¨ XTB¨ Xavi.