Let me give you a little bit of background about my first half marathon last Sunday January 17th:
Before the race:
1. Landed on Saturday morning from Philadelphia...18hours flight.
2. No sleep due to jet lag, I saw 2.00 am, 3.00 am, 4.00 am and 5.30 am I "woke up" to go to my first half marathon
3. Week before quite busy during my week stay in Philadelphia...and just 2 days training!
4. Toe nail right foot very is totally black!!
During the race:
5. First 2 Kms 5 to 10% uphill,
6. Late start...then zigzag during 1.5 Kms to get some space to run free
7. Too fast first 10K: 47', destroyed after Km-13 and survived next Kms...walk-run a lot!
After the race:
8. Exhausted, but, "quite happy overall" but unsure about my heart average beat ...very high!! I don't really know, if my max. is correct, 182 week, I will do a VO2 max and acid lactate test.
Learnt lesson:
9. Focus on %Max run for next one,
10. Rest better and keep training hard...specially my running for my second challenge in 57 days: HIM Singapore 2010!
I attach my garmin connect for you to follow my race:
and the results...overall 351, 72 HM35...
Btw, have a look at this video about that interesting challenge about new and old bike technologies:
Talk to you next post (which will be just about my next event/race, as I am very busy training, work, family and following 5 rules on my old post)!
"XTB" Xavi.
NICE Week of Training Last Week!
15 hours ago
Awesome Job, especially with everything you had to deal with.
ReplyDeleteI always go out too fast the first 10k! It's something I need to focus on too.
ReplyDeleteand yah, nxt one w/less jet lag will be sweet!
great time for your first half! I ALWAYS go out too fast. ugh, it's a curse, LOL!
ReplyDeleteEnhorabona per la 1era! pero no has fet cap en un 70.3 abans??
ReplyDeletei per un 70.3 no cal entrenar gaire, si estas acostumbrat a anar en bici 70km i correr mes de 1h....esta t´obsesionis amb fer molt volum ni doblar..ho acabara sense problemes.
neda tranquil, menja a la bici i regula , no apretis gens, despres correras perfecte.
perdona si et dono consell sense que m´el demanis....
una abraçada i visca catalunya !!
ReplyDeleteÉs cert que vas una mica alt de ppm però no és exagerat, i menys amb les condicions que has fet la cursa, la cosa està en les sensacions, si haguéssis anat còmode sí seria preocupant, però anant fort...
Si a més has acabat corrent i caminant, ja estàs preparat per un ironman, és el què fan el 90% en la marató ;-)
Sort en el Half, fas molta enveja competint en llocs tant exòtics.
T'he adjuntat al bloc i t'he citat en la darrera entrada
bueno bueno no entiendo mucho pero me parece interesante tu blog, lo seguire mas a menudo. Un saludo.
ReplyDeleteNice job considering all the challenges you had right beforehand!