Oct 31, 2009



Just to let you know and share with all of you...I have registered to HALF IRONMAN SINGAPORE 2010 (March 21st), have a look!

Talk to you next post,

"XTB" Xavi.

Oct 29, 2009



Un ejercicio que no deben dejar de practicar:
Hace algunos años, cuando todavía era soltero, joven, y bello, tuve una clase muy especial. Fui a ella con una chica llamada Norma, que en ese entonces era mi novia, y puedo asegurar que la lección que aprendimos ese día impacto muchísimo mi vida.
No recuerdo mucho del tema de la clase, pero lo que si recuerdo con mucha frecuencia es la dinámica que se realizo en ella. Para empezar,nos sentamos todos en círculo, y entre bromas, nos pidieron a Norma y a mí que nos sentáramos juntos.
La persona que daba la clase dijo entonces 'Supongamos que Juan Pablo y Norma se acaban de casar'. Ambos nos miramos con los ojos muy abiertos y tragamos saliva.La instructora continúa sin prestar mucha atención a nuestro desconcierto: 'Ellos han construido su hogar, establecido sus normas,y comienzan a ser muy felices.
Con el tiempo viene el primer hijo'. Llamaron a uno de los jóvenes y le pidieron que se sentara entre nosotros. 'Norma y Juan Pablo le dan la bienvenida a su hogar y le tratan con mucha ternura y cariño. Pero, como suelen ser las cosas, tienen entonces a otro hijo'.Pidieron a otro de los jóvenes que se sentara al lado de su 'hermano', entre nosotros.
La familia va creciendo, y tienen buenas normas. Los chicos se tratan con mucho cariño y los papás vigilan que no haya riñas entre ellos. Son muy buenos padres y literalmente dedican su vida a ellos'.
Norma y yo nos vimos en esa ocasión muy productivos,porque tuvimos unos tres o cuatro hijos más. En cada ocasión pidieron a alguno de los jóvenes o jovencitas que se sentaran en medio de nosotros para darles la bienvenida.
'El tiempo pasa', continúa la instructora, ' y llega el día en que los hijos hacen su propia vida. Primero, Julio se casa y forma su propio hogar. 'Dejara el hombre a su padre y a su madre'. Vamos, déjalos,Julio, ahí deja tu silla'. Julio, nuestro primer 'hijo', se levanta y ocupa su nuevo lugar.
'También Martita y Linda encuentran buenos partidos y se casan'. Las chicas se levantaron y dejaron su lugar. Así cada uno de nuestros hijos se fue 'casando' y dejando sus sillas vacías.
Cuando todos hubieron terminado de irse, la instructora hizo una pausa y luego dijo: 'Ahora miren la distancia que existe entre ellos'. Y callé nuevamente. Efectivamente, había entre nosotros una distancia enorme de sillas vacías. A mi me pareció kilométrica.
Me hice muchas preguntas entonces. ¿Que pudo haber causado ese hueco enorme? Como sileyera mi mente, la instructora respondió entonces algunas de las preguntas que me hacía. 'Juan Pablo y Norma han cometido un gran error, porque han permitido que sus hijos se interpongan entre ellos; y ahora que están de nuevo solos, si acaso, tendrán que empezar desde el principio'.
¿Que habíamos hecho mal?¿Acaso no nos habíamos dedicado con fervor a nuestros hijos?¿O era ese el centro mismo de la construcción de una familia?La instructora nos explicó el error de darlo todo por nuestros hijos.
Explicó Que la base del fundamento del hogar no son los hijos, sino la pareja y que esta debe permanecer unida contra viento y marea. De hecho, el mejor regalo que se puede dar a nuestros hijos es el hecho de saber que sus padres se aman y que permanecen unidos y ellos aprenden a amar en función de cómo aprenden que se aman sus padres.
Si los padres no salen juntos, no se siguen cortejando con frecuencia,no se hablan con 'tiernos acentos' y no se comunican entre ellos de manera frecuente y especial, es escasa la probabilidad de tener hijos espiritual y emocionalmente estables y, cuando ellos partan de casa, nos encontraremos incomunicados y encontraremos a nuestra pareja a una enorme distancia, sin saber del todo como recuperar lo que nuestro propio descuido ha dejado que se pierda con los años.
Y no es egoísmo; por el contrario, es un seguro de vida para ellos y para nosotros mismos; para garantizar la vida eterna. Primero la pareja. Son los hijos los que deberán acomodarse. La vida familiar tendrá que girar no en torno a ellos, sino en torno de los padres.
Los padres deben recordar que una relación de verdadero amor con su pareja es el mejor regalo que puede darles, y su principal prioridad, y su mayor herencia, y la forma de enseñarles a sus hijos a amar y de garantizar así su verdadera felicidad, temporal y eterna.
Ellos se escogieron primero, ellos dan la bienvenida como invitados a los hijos. Estoy aplicando esto con mi novia actual. Mi única novia, gloriosa, infinita y eterna. Mis hijos saben que tendrán una plática conmigo si faltan el respeto a su madre. Y mi esposa, mi novia, les recuerda que necesitamos espacios para platicar y estar juntos en ocasiones.
Encuentro que es mas fácil darlo todo por los hijos de esta forma, si uno sabe que el amor por la pareja está creciendo. Es la fuente de donde uno puede extraer todas las fuerzas.


An exercise that should not stop practice:

A few years ago when I was still single, young and beautiful, I had a very special class. I went there with a girl named Norma, who was then my girlfriend, and I can assure that the lesson learned that day impacted my life greatly. I do not remember much about the class, but what my memory is often as dynamic that comes back on there. To begin, we all sat in a circle, and jokingly asked us to Norma and me to sit down together. The person explaining the class said 'Suppose that John Paul and Norma have just gotten married. " Both looked at each other with eyes wide open and swallow saliva.The instructor continues without paying much attention to our bewilderment: 'They have built their home, set their standards and begin to be very happy. With time comes the first child '. They called one of the youths and asked her to sit between us. "Norma and John Paul welcome you home and treat him with great tenderness and affection. But, like most things, then have another child. "They asked another young to sit next to his 'brother' among us. The family is growing, and have good standards. The children are treated with love and dads watching that no quarrels among them. They are very good parents and literally devote their lives to them. " Norma and I were very productive at that time because we had three or four more children. Each time they asked some of the young or young women who sit among us to welcome them. 'Time passes', continues the instructor,' and the day comes that the children make their own life. First, Julio is married and formed their own home. 'Man leaves his father and his mother. Let, let, Julio, then leave your chair '. July, our first 'child', gets up and takes his new place. 'Martita and Linda are also good matches and get married'. The girls got up and left instead. Thus each of our children was 'married' and leaving their seats empty. When everyone had finished their leave, the instructor paused and then said: 'Now look at the gap between them. " And I was silent again. Indeed, there was an enormous distance between us empty seats. I thought it kilometric. I did a lot of questions then. What could have caused this huge gap? As if she was reading my mind, the instructor answered some questions then I did. 'John Paul and Norma have made a big mistake, because they have allowed their children to come between them, and now they are alone again, if ever, have to start from scratch'. What had I done wrong? Are not we had fervently dedicated to our children? Or was that the core of building a family? "The instructor explained the mistake to give all for our children. He explained that the foundation of the home base are not the children, but the couple and that it must stand united against all odds. In fact, the best gift you can give our children is the knowledge that their parents love and remain united and learn to love them according to how they learn to love their parents. If parents do not go together, there are still courting often do not speak for 'soft tone' and do not communicate with them frequently and special, there is little chance of having children spiritually and emotionally stable, and when they depart home, we will cut off our spouse and find a huge distance, not knowing quite how to recover what our own carelessness has left to be lost over the years. And it's not selfishness, by contrast, is a life insurance for them and ourselves to ensure eternal life. First the couple. They are the children who must be accommodated. Family life does not have to turn around them, but parents around. Parents should remember that a relationship of true love with your partner is the best gift you can give them, and their top priority, and his greatest legacy, and how to teach their children to love and to ensure their true happiness, temporal and eternal. They were chosen first, they are welcomed as guests to their children. I am using this with my current girlfriend. My one girlfriend, glorious, infinite and eternal. My kids know they will have a talk with me if you are disrespectful to her mother. And my wife, my girlfriend reminds them that we need space to talk and be together at times. I find it easier to give everything for the children in this way, if you know the love of the couple is growing. It is the source from which one can draw all forces. Fruits don't need to be feed , feed the tree. A strong and healthytree grows good fruit.

Oct 26, 2009



After one tough week in Japan with many tasks to cover...I just did today my first training today, 62K in Disney circuit together with Richards from Dragons, including, some sprints in our way to Hong Kong airport...I was feeling quite well.

I have started my training program for my next challenge HIM Singapore 2010 thru this website, where, you will be ale to check how my training is moving on...I have selected HIM Beginner Training Program, similar to the one used, for Disney Olympic Triathlon from the same website:

I will also try to upload my Garmin 310 XT training log on a daily basis...

Talk to you next post,

"XTB" Xavi.

Oct 25, 2009



Yesterday night a bad migraine attack me ...and destroyed for this morning to be able to run my first 20K trail mountain half marathon...and will need to wait for next one!!

I am very disappointed...and is when I am so sure about which must be our first priority HEALTH!!

Those migraines just happen to me once in a very while, last one, over 1.5 year...that is why I never have correct pills with me or are already expired...anyway, today I am feeling a little bit better and will try to bike tomorrow with Richard and other Dragon's mates in Disney area!

Talk to you next post,

"XTB" Xavi.

Oct 22, 2009

FINISHER (2H34´47´´) & DONATION (2,480 EUROS)

(Spanish version), you will find English version below.


En primer lugar, daros las gracias a TODOS VOSOTROS, ya que, sin vuestro apoyo, ayuda y solidaridad nada de esto hubiese sido posible de alcanzar.

Me gustaría narraros brevemente mi primera experiencia en un Triatlón Olímpico…como auténtico principiante en la modalidad.

Sábado por la mañana, fui a reconocer el circuito y transiciones y de paso ver cómo los profesionales (competían 1 día antes) realizaban las mismas…me quedé impresionado a la velocidad que se bajan de las bicicletas…si intento copiarlo, me recogen en el suelo con unas cuantas rascadas!

El Mar estaba totalmente plano (y pensé que bién, ojala, se repita mañana!) y la transición de swim a bike no era de 1.5Km como el año anterior…este año de apenas 400 metros.
Así pues, estudiada la zona regresé a casa para empezar a centrarme en todo lo que me habían aconsejado sobretodo cuatro personas que se merecen como mínimo la mitad de mi resultado: Richard,Manuel, Fergus y Bikeman. Este último, por sus consejos y orientaciones a la hora de comprar la bicicleta…realmente funciona muy bién, aunque, no puedo comparar con otras ya que es la primera bicicleta de carretera que tengo en mi vida.Además, me acuerdo que me comentó el tema de iniciar mi hidratación el día anterior, así que, ni corto ni perezoso me tomé unas 5 o 6 botellas de agua con sales minerales….anyway, que me hidraté más que un elefante! Por otro lado Manuel, me explicó la teoría de las 3 C´s….(en castellano, claro) y que a la postre fueron perfectas en mi ¨estrategia de iniciante¨: nada con CALMA bicicleta con CABEZA y corre con C… (sorry, por los menores que puedan leerlo, pero, literalmente, fue su consejo y lo apliqué al 100%). Richard ha sido mi compañero de entrenamiento de bicicleta, mentor y consejero durante la progresión de mis entrenamientos, así como, introductor a varios Dragon members del Grupo. Fergus, amigo de Hong Kong, consiguió recaudar donaciones de sus amigos y conocidos en Hong Kong más de 20Kms y me acompañó en todo el proceso de entrenamiento, así como, en carreras, VTP y Above Challenge.
Así pues, la noche anterior al día D, tranquilo paseando con mis hijos, luego, descanso en casa, preparación de todo el equipamiento, así como, botellas rellenas de líquido mágico, geles y unas 3 bananas. No puedo dejar de comentar el perfecto masaje en la parte inferior lesionada de las piernas (Periostitis) de mi fisioterapeuta particular …Elaine y a dormir tempranito (por suerte me había despertado ¨otra vez¨a las 6.00 am) con lo cual a las 10.00pm ya estaba durmiendo hasta las 4.30 a.m. que me desperté totalmente descansado.

Al llegar a la zona de transiciones, nada especial, marcaje de número en mi brazo izquierdo, calcetines (2XU) compresivos para ayudar con mi lesión y muy concentrado, saludo a varios Dragon members, Fergus y, finalmente, Richard, que de golpe me pregunta: ¨Te pasa algo?¨ y al acto respondo: ¨No, porqué?¨ , porque, estás muy serio!!! jaja, entonces, le respondo…eso es buen signo: ¨Estoy concentrado al 100%!!!¨ y me viene un flash de mi época de regatista en la clase Optimist, ya que, era lo que todos me decían antes de ir al agua a navegar…y hasta un par de horas después no me desconcentraba!

Así, pues después de comerme 2 bananas, un gel de chocolate y menta (mmm) y no parar de beber bebida isotónica, me dirijo a la salida de natación…wow, vaya tela con las olitas y marejadilla!! Bueno, seré breve, pensé en la palabra de Manuel, CALMA, las olas iban un poco lateral pero a favor nuestro hasta dónde girábamos para el primer Km pero luego venían totalmente de cara…así que, reserve fuerzas para el final…resultado: 7º lugar de mi grupo en 27´47´´ para el 1.5Km.
Al salir, oigo tímidamente, como Elaine me grita ¨Vamos Xavi, muy bién!!¨ y el segundo grito, un poco más atrevido: ¨Venga vamos!!!!¨…me puso las pilas al 200%!! Hasta pasé a un par en la transición pero creo que eran del grupo anterior (40-44)…

Primera transición, coloco casco, gafas de sol, bike shoes y me hidrato con la botella de reserva…y empiezo a correr hasta dónde te dejan cabalgar a la bicicleta!

Una vez subido a la misma…noto como me siento con mucha energía y fuerza, así que decido no bajar de una media de 34 a 35Km/h…y así lo hago, al llegar al área descubierta en Tung Chung, me doy cuenta que hace mucho viento…pero nada tiro para adelante, sin hacer drafting, hasta que, finalmente me coloco detrás de dos que van rapidísimos pero mi alegría dura como mucho 5 minutos….hasta que me engancho a otro más rápido que yo también, en este caso mi alegría dura menos, quizás 2 minutos y, mira que, se permití hacer drafting…pero nada el resto me dediqué a concentrarme en mi ritmo, tomarme un gel a mitad del recorrido y pensar en el consejo de Manuel, CABEZA…resultado: 20º de mi grupo en 1h08´18´´…para 40Kms…mi record personal!

Llegada a la segunda transición y descabalgar de la bicicleta me costó un poquito, aunque, por ser la primera vez, salió todo bastante bién y rápido!

Finalmente, mi ¨talón de Aquiles¨, pero de nuevo me acordé en la palabrita de Manuel, C…, sin embargo, sabía que tenía que mantener mi ritmo a pesar de ver como me pasaban volando por mis lados otros competidores…y mi ritmo debía ser no más de 5´/Km para no quemarme y no menos de 6´/Km para no arrastrarme…Por suerte, tenía el apoyo de la Familia Cardinaal, Erik y su hija Emma, animándome y enviándome energía positiva en cada vuelta, así pues, …resultado: de los más lentos del grupo..en 53´26´´, pero, mejor de lo esperado!

La llegada a meta fue una explosión de emociones por varios motivos que os resumo un par de líneas más abajo, Elaine, Mar, Lucas, Erik y Emma, me estaban esperando en la misma línea de llegada para darme el último empujón!! Muchas gracias, me hizo muy feliz teneros junto a mi para compartir ese momento de extrema felicidad!!

Esta felicidad tiene que ver con la pregunta que nos hacen y nos hacemos los triatletas.


En primer lugar, los que me conocéis soy una persona de alcanzar y superar desafíos: ambos conseguidos, el solidario y el deportivo!

En segundo lugar, luchar y colaborar por un buenísima causa de poder ayudar en la lucha contra el cáncer infantil y, los que me conocéis, sabéis que desde siempre los peques son mi punto débil. Gracias Luisa, por darme la oportunidad de aportar nuestro ¨granito de arena¨ por un valor solidario de 2,480 Euros.

En tercer lugar, por lograr parte de mi objetivo de salud física y poder bajar de 100Kgs, ahora mismo estoy en 104Kgs, 11Kgs menos que hace tres meses.

En cuarto lugar, por el gran apoyo de mis amigos, compañeros de trabajo y familiares durantes los meses de entrenamiento, pero, en especial a mis hijos Mar y Lucas, por el tiempo robado y, por encima de todo, a Elaine, por creer en mis posibilidades, darme apoyo moral y también aguantar mis días raros y de silencio…de lo cansado que me encontraba por las preocupaciones laborales a las que les añadía el entrenamiento, aunque, este tiempo me servía como tiempo precioso para reflexionar y pensar en la toma de decisiones del día siguiente en los proyectos de mi día a día laboral.

En quinto y último lugar, pero, para mi el más importante, este resultado, este esfuerzo y esta entrega, los he llevado a cabo, para recordar a los que me dieron la vida: mis padres, en especial a mi amada madre, que nos dejó de forma trágica y súbita hace ya 2 años, 3 meses y 13 días, mientras estaba de vacaciones en Florencia con mi padre… y estoy convencido que esa fuerza increíble notada durante toda la carrera del Domingo era ella que me la enviaba y me hizo ¨volar como los ángeles¨! Papá, tanto, Elaine, Mar, Lucas y yo mismo te amamos y siempre te cuidaremos…así pues, estamos encantados con la noticia de que vas a pasar las Navidades con nosotros en Hong Kong!!

No quiero finalizar este ¨breve¨relato sin antes anunciaros mi próximo reto el cual voy a empezar a entrenar desde el Lunes próximo…Half Ironman Singapore 21 de Marzo de 2010!

Por último, haber ganado un Mundial de la clase Optimist cuando tenía 15 años me hizo muchísima ilusión, pero, la felicidad y alegría obtenida al finalizar con este resultado mi primera triatlón realmente es incomparable!

Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo y no me cansaré de repetirlo sin vosotros nada de esto hubiera sido posible!


¨XTB¨ Xavi.

(English version)


First, to thank you all, because without your support, help and solidarity none of this was possible to achieve. I would like to briefly recount my first experience in an Olympic Triathlon ... as real beginner in this modality.

Saturday morning, I went to recognize the circuit and step transitions and see how the professionals (competing 1 day before) were doing it ... I was impressed at the speed that they get off the bike ... if I try to copy it, I found in the soil with a few scratches. The sea was completely flat (and I thought, well, hopefully, will repeat tomorrow!) and the transition from swim to bike 1.5Km was not like last year ... this year just 400 meters.

Therefore after analyzed the area I returned home to begin to focus on everything that I had been advised by four friend and they deserve at least half of my result: Richard, Manuel , Fergus and Bikeman. The latter, for his advice and guidance when buying a bicycle ... it really works very well, although I can not compare with others, because, this is my first road bike, I ever had in my life.Also, I remember that he explained me that I should begin full hydration the day before, so neither short nor lazy, I took about 5 or 6 bottles of isotonic water.... anyway, I hydrated myself more than an elephant!

Manuel explained the theory of the 3 C's .... (in Spanish, of course) and that in the end were perfect in my beginner strategy ¨ ¨: swim CALM, bike FOCUS (CABEZA in Spanish) and run with C... (sorry for children who can read it, but literally was his advice and applied it to 100%, I can not translated to English but you might understand). Richard has been my bicycle training partner, mentor and advisor during the progression of my training, as well as introducer of several Dragon members of the group. Fergus has accomplished to collect donations for more than 20 Kms last days with his friends and has been following my preparation and running with me in some races, as VTP and Above Challenge.

So the night before D-day, quiet walk with my children, then rest at home, preparing all the equipment, as well as magic bottles filled with isotonic liquid, gel and 3 bananas. I can not forget to comment about perfect massage received to the injured lower leg (periostitis) from my particular physical therapist ... Elaine and sleep very early (luckily, I was awake again at 6:00a.m.) and by 10.00pm I was sleeping until 4:30, when, I woke up totally refreshed.
Upon reaching the area of transitions, nothing special, marking number on my left arm, socks (2XU) compression to help with my injury and I was highly focus, greeting several Dragon members, Fergus and finally, Richard, who ask me the following question: ¨ Is something wrong?¨ I respond : ¨ No, why? ¨, because you're too serious! haha, then, I answered ... that's a good sign: ¨ I'm 200% focus!!!¨ and suddenly came a flash of my past time on races in Optimist class, and that was the question that everyone told me before going to water for sailing ... and even a couple of hours after, I was recovering my happy smile!
So after eating 2 bananas, a chocolate and mint gel (mmm) and not stopping drinking isotonic drinks, I head for the exit of swimming ... wow, very bad waves!
Well, I will be brief and stayed CALM, the waves were a little lateral but helping us for the first km but then came face entirely ... so, I thought, let´s reserve forces for the final 500 meters ... the result: 7th in my class in 27 ' 47''for 1.5Km.

Upon leaving, I hear timidly, as Elaine yells ¨ Well Xavi, really well! ¨ and the second scream, a little more daring: ¨ Go Xavi, Go!!!!!¨ ... Their support charged my batteries to 200%!
So I advance a couple during the transition, but I think they were from the previous age group (40-44) ...
First transition, I wear the helmet, sunglasses, bike shoes and I hydrated from my reseerved bottle ... and start to run far to let you ride your bike! Once uploaded to the same ... I was feeling with lots of energy and strength, so I decide not to drop below an average of 34 to 35Km / h ... and I did until I reach the open area in Tung Chung, I realize that it was very windy ... but nothing shot forward, doing drafting, until finally I put myself behind two that are extremely fast but my happiness was at most for 5 minutes .... until I hooked another faster than me, too, in this one my joy lasts less, perhaps 2 minutes and, behold, drafting is allowed to do anything ... but the rest I spent my time concentrating on my pace, take a gel halfway through and consider the advice of Manuel, FOCUS ... result: 20 th in my group in 1h08'18''for 40kms ... ... my personal record!
Arrival at the second transition and dismount the bike cost me a little, although, being the first time, everything went pretty well and fast! Finally, my ¨Achilles heel ¨ stage, but again I remembered the little word de Manuel, C ..., however, I knew I had to keep my pace despite seeing as other competitors were flying by my side ... and my path should be no more than 5 '/ km for no burn and no less than 6' / Km for not crawling ... Luckily, I had Family Cardinaal, Erik and his daughter Emma, encouraging me and sending positive energy with every lap, so, ... result: of the slowest in the group .. 53'26''better than expected!

The Finish line was coming to an explosion of emotions for various reasons which I summarize a couple of lines down, Elaine Mar, Lucas, Erik and Emma, were waiting in the same finish line to give me the final push! Thank you very much, I was very happy to have near me to share that moment of extreme happiness!

This happiness has to do with the question we are asked and we also ask to ourselves, too. Why?

First, those who know me I am a person to achieve and overcome challenges: both achieved, the solidarity and the sportive!

Second, fight and work for a very good cause of helping in the fight against childhood cancer and those who know me know that the kids are always my weak point. Thanks Luisa, for giving me the opportunity to contribute ¨our grain of sand ¨ solidarity worth of 2,480 Euros.

Third, to achieve my goal of losing weight and be under 100Kgs, now I'm in 104Kgs, 11kgs less than three months.

Fourth, for the great support from my friends, colleagues and family during the months of training, but especially my children Mar and Lucas, for the time stolen and, above all, Elaine, for believing in my ability to give me moral support and also endure my days of silence ... rare and how tired I was by the concerns of work to which I added to the training, although this time served as precious time to reflect and think about the decision the following day in the many projects of my daily work.

Fifth and last, but for me the most important, this result, this effort and this installment, I have done, to remember those who gave me life: my parents, especially my beloved mother, who left us tragically and suddenly 2 years ago, 3 months and 13 days, while vacationing in Florence with my father ... and I am convinced that noticed incredible strength throughout the race on Sunday was sent by her and ¨I did fly like angels ¨ !

Dad, all Elaine Mar, Lucas, we love you and always will take care of you ... so we are delighted with the news that you're going to spend Christmas with us in Hong Kong!

I must not conclude this ¨brief ¨ narrative without prior announcing my next challenge which, I will start training from next Monday ... Half Ironman Singapore March 21st, 2010!

Last point, is that when I was 15 years old I won the Optimist World Championship and I was very happy, but, I can tell that my happiness after finishing my first triathlon with that result is not comparable at all!
Thank you very much for your support and I will never feel tired of repeating it without you none of this had been possible!

Thank you!
¨XTB¨ Xavi.

Oct 18, 2009


We did it!!!!!!!!!!! I am extremely happy...I have finished under 3 hours, but, I still don't have final result, hopefully, tomorrow I will write a full blog!
Again, thanks to all of you for your extremely support, specially my lovely family (they have woke up at 6.00 am to check how his daddy was doing!!) and Erik and Emma, supporting on my tough run!!
Talk to you next post,
"XTB" Xavi.

Oct 16, 2009


I am extremely pleased about solidarity showed by all of you...I don't have more Kms to donate to Caico Foundation, that is the reason, I have created "Infinity Km" and will post all names from more donators to that good cause!

Talk to you next post,

"XTB" Xavi.
P.S: I am starting to feel quite nervous!!

Oct 15, 2009



I don't have words to THANK my friend Fergus, he helped me so much to raise funds for Caico Foundation with his friends and family to finally donate over 20 Kms.Thank you again and see you on Sunday! Just 2 Kms are left, Km-13???why could be? hahaha and Km-16!


Talk to you next post,

"XTB" Xavi.

Oct 14, 2009



Three topics for today:

1. Last training before the race, a quite long last one, 78' bike 41Kms in Program 1 fitness bike and 31' running...and after, that, a lot of pain in both legs, what is called "shin splints".

2. Shint splints (Periostitis) in both legs and, just after my shower, I have applied ice in both muscles/bones...let's see how they are going to wake up tomorrow morning...btw, I will apply a gel "deep heating rub"...not good! Now, some rest and good sleep until Sunday morning...

3. Last but not least, THANK YOU VERY MUCH to my local triathlon club...HONG KONG DRAGONS TRIATHLON CLUB for your sponsorship buying 2 Kms (17 & 18) for Caico Foundation (Cancer Childhood Foundation). I will try my best during the race to honour your donation!

Talk to you next post,

"XTB" Xavi.

Oct 13, 2009


Very short run...sprinting all the time below 4'30''...
Talk to you next post,

"XTB" Xavi.

Oct 12, 2009


Today, 30' swim and 47' bike, I am in full tapering process...and trying to keep calm until Sunday morning!
Talk to you next post!

"XTB" Xavi.
Video link:

Oct 10, 2009


Friends, are right!...I am starting to get nervous...just one week for my first challenge!! Yesterday, night we (Elaine and the kids,too) went to collect the race pack, including bib number E367 and another swim cap (this time white colour...I don't know what I am going to do with so many, already 4 in last 2 months) keast I have the "7", as lucky number!

Early today morning, I have participated in 2 of 3 Dragons Training Races(#5), 300m swim (we could say surfing-big waves-...instead of swimming),8Kms bike (1.5Km uphill....bad for me) and 2K both races around 33'... I think second one better than first.

Btw, I have weared my first Dragons trispeed suit...and I am not sure which one I am going to wear during next or two pieces...but of course, Dragons uniform!

Talk to you next post,

"XTB" Xavi.

Oct 5, 2009


I would like to CONGRATULATE and if you can join me also on that congratulation and celebrate with Manuel first time IM FINISHER in 12 hours 22 minutes!!

"XTB" Xavi.

Oct 4, 2009



I still have a lot to train on my long endurance running....I think I did quite well on my first 4K, quick swim(540m) , but, my second 4K part was not fast at all and I lost like 10 my age group 35-39.

Name Description Number OvPlace CatPlace FinishTime
Hall Richard Male Challenge 35-39 148 2 1 00:34:19
Kasten Olaf Male Challenge 35-39 175 5 2 00:37:28
Cheung Wai Kei Male Challenge 35-39 147 8 3 00:37:40
Yeung Yam Ho Male Challenge 35-39 125 15 4 00:39:04
Motoki Sato Male Challenge 35-39 159 16 5 00:39:11
Weis Mark Male Challenge 35-39 165 22 6 00:39:48
Edwards Jason Male Challenge 35-39 130 29 7 00:40:47
Wong Wing Tak Male Challenge 35-39 176 30 8 00:40:51
Pesci John Male Challenge 35-39 162 32 9 00:41:05
Oschetti Andrea Male Challenge 35-39 164 33 10 00:41:08
Tsang Hin Lap Male Challenge 35-39 141 36 11 00:41:32
Moffat Kieran Male Challenge 35-39 135 37 12 00:41:50
Yamagagata Osamu Male Challenge 35-39 131 38 13 00:41:54
Stewart James Male Challenge 35-39 157 39 14 00:42:06
Mak Jacky Male Challenge 35-39 170 40 15 00:42:14
Fletcher Luke Male Challenge 35-39 166 48 16 00:42:48
Willmott Steve Male Challenge 35-39 138 52 17 00:43:08
Anderson Neil Male Challenge 35-39 388 54 18 00:43:18
Courret Olivier Male Challenge 35-39 127 55 19 00:43:22
Wong T Male Challenge 35-39 126 58 20 00:43:30
Garcia Xavier Male Challenge 35-39 140 59 21 00:43:32

Talk to you next post,

"XTB" Xavi.

Oct 3, 2009



Today's training, 40Kms bike 1h13' just by myself..."no drafting" and afterwards 4Kms run 18'45''...I really need to train much more my run stage!

Above Challenge result: 15th classified out of 98 participants in Male Senior 1965-1974 category.

Male Senior 1965-1974
Bib Name Swim Bike Run Total Pos.
121 Hall Richard 0:09:05 0:39:40 0:19:43 1:08:28 1
116 Dingley Paul 0:09:38 0:42:30 0:21:34 1:13:42 2
186 Wong Siu Yuen 黃兆元0:12:20 0:42:19 0:21:02 1:15:41 3
108 Chiu Kok Fu 趙國富0:10:40 0:43:55 0:21:19 1:15:54 4
125 Jones Toby 0:10:11 0:43:22 0:22:57 1:16:30 5
171 Tong Christopher 湯惠驄0:10:19 0:42:07 0:24:57 1:17:23 6
128 Lai Kin Sun 黎建新0:10:15 0:43:28 0:23:45 1:17:28 7
183 Wong Kin 黃健0:13:09 0:42:02 0:22:25 1:17:36 8
117 Faure Etienne 0:12:16 0:43:49 0:21:37 1:17:42 9
124 Holst Hermann 0:11:21 0:41:55 0:24:42 1:17:58 10
142 Mak James 0:12:09 0:42:17 0:23:38 1:18:04 11
177 Wah Lun Alain 0:13:40 0:41:33 0:23:27 1:18:40 12
110 Chow Billy 周捷恒0:13:04 0:41:57 0:23:44 1:18:45 13
98 Chan Li 陳利0:11:01 0:43:30 0:24:33 1:19:04 14
119 Garcia Xavier 0:10:55 0:43:42 0:26:34 1:21:11 15

...I really need to improve my running!!!

Link to official results:

"XTB" Xavi.

Oct 2, 2009


I believe Rio de Janeiro will get first Olympic Games ever for Latam Region for 2016...Madrid is my other favourite...but difficult for IOC to choose twice in a row in same continent (London 2012).

Good luck for both of them, I will be happy if any of both are selected, but my wife Elaine, will be extremely happy, if Rio 2016 wins!!

"XTB" Xavi.

Oct 1, 2009


Just 2 weeks and 2 days remaining for my first challenge...and just 50% of Kms have been donated to "Fundación Caico¨ to fight against childhood cancer...I have tried my best to inform about this project but result is still not Spanish we said, ¨La intención es lo que cuenta¨, which means, ¨It´s the thought what counts¨.

Followers and friends, I have tried my best to achieve to sell 100% of ITU Olympic Hong Kong Disney Kms and will keep trying until last day before the challenge!

But, of course there are always different ¨POINTS OF VIEW¨...

"XTB" Xavi.


Today is Chinese National Holiday and celebrating 60th Anniversay of PRC...and to enjoy this holiday I have run/walk a very challenging uphill 10K from Victoria Harbour to Victoria Peak in Hong Kong.
First 6K elevation from 0 to 150m good rythim below 5'/km, but from 7K to 10K from 150m to 550m...just terrible for a "gordito like me of 105Kgs"...I have basically walked last 3K uphill to the Peak.

My friend Fergus has done it in 57'...incredible result!! Congratulations!! Great job!!

I attach the map for you to check the course:

"XTB" Xavi.


I attach an interesting article why 60th Anniversary is so important:
"Why 60 is so important
Ng Tze-wei
Updated on Oct 01, 2009
The number "60" holds a unique significance in Chinese society, which
explains the military fanfare and civilian pomp to be displayed at today's
celebration in Beijing.
In the ancient Chinese calendar of "heavenly stems" and "earthly
branches", a span of 60 years is known as jiazi. There are 10 heavenly
stems and 12 earthly branches, and a count of 60 completes one cycle of
both elements, and marks the beginning of a new one.
Formulated in the ninth century BC, fung shui masters and fortune tellers
still consult this system today, as do young couples looking to see if they
are a match made in heaven. It is customary to throw a lavish banquet for
a family elder's 60th birthday, more so than for the 50th, and the country
must do likewise.
If one attentively follows the pattern of nature, as Taoists teach, there are
some interesting 60-year cycles in recent Chinese history.
The Qing dynasty started losing steam after the death of Emperor
Qianlong in 1799; the country was held at gunpoint in the second Opium
war in 1859; the May 4th Movement in 1919 kick-started China's new
culture movement that saw the seeding of Western ideas, including
Marxism; and the country finally rejoined the international stage in 1979
with the opening up and reform.
Marking this important anniversary with a display of military might is a way
of demonstrating the strength of China - and its leaders. "Amilitary parade
is a reflection of the overall might of a country, its economy and its political
strength," said Hong Kong-based China expert Johnny Lau Yui-siu.
"The grandeur and solemnity of the military parade will also be associated
with the nation's leaders."
Every leader in modern Chinese history inspected at least one military
10/1/2009 - the online edition of South Chi……/vgnextoid=8ff97048fdb04210… 1/2
parade from the Tiananmen watchtower - Mao Zedong for the first 11
parades from 1949-59, Deng Xiaoping in 1984, and Jiang Zemin in 1999.
The fact that Hu Jintao , president of the nation and secretary general of
the Communist Party, would be receiving the army instead of Premier
Wen Jiabao , head of government, once again reaffirms the party-army
bond and Hu's authority, Lau said.
It does not take a fung shui master to know that the next 30 years will be
crucial in China's development.
International experience shows that countries with gross domestic product
per capita income reaching US$3,000 will begin to see a growth in civil
society and political demands.
"The next 30 years will be critical to China's continued success. It will be
when the development emphasis must switch from quantity to quality,"
Lau said. "The government must let go of more power, and the people
must learn to abide by the law."
On a lighter note, Lau was also amused that flipping the number "60"
upside down produces "09"."

Spanish translation>
60 ¿Por qué es tan importante Ng Tze-wei Actualizado el 01 de octubre 2009 El número "60" tiene un significado singular en la sociedad china, que explica la fanfarria militar y civil de la pompa que se muestre a día de hoy la celebración en Beijing. En el antiguo calendario chino de "celestial tallos" y "terrenal ramas ", un lapso de 60 años es conocido como Jiazi. Hay 10 celestial los tallos y las 12 ramas terrestres, y un recuento de 60 completa un ciclo de ambos elementos, y marca el comienzo de uno nuevo. BC Formulado en el siglo IX, Fung Shui maestros y adivinos todavía consultar este sistema a día de hoy, al igual que las parejas jóvenes que buscan para ver si son la pareja perfecta en el cielo. Se acostumbra a lanzar un banquete para los de una familia mayor de 60 cumpleaños, más que para el 50 º, y el país debe hacer lo mismo. Si uno sigue atentamente el patrón de la naturaleza, como enseñan los taoístas, hay alrededor de 60 interesantes ciclos de dos años en la historia reciente de China. La dinastía Qing comenzó a perder fuerza tras la muerte del emperador Qianlong en 1799, el país se llevó a cabo a punta de pistola en el segundo de opio la guerra en 1859, el Movimiento 4 de mayo de 1919 el pistoletazo de salida de China nueva movimiento de la cultura que vio la siembra de ideas occidentales, incluida la El marxismo, y finalmente el país se reincorporó a la escena internacional en 1979, con la apertura y reforma. Marcado este importante aniversario con una exhibición de poder militar es una forma de de demostrar la fuerza de China - y sus dirigentes. "Desfile Amilitary es un reflejo de la fuerza global de un país, su economía y su política la fuerza ", dijo sede en Hong Kong de China experto Johnny Lau Yui-siu. "La grandeza y la solemnidad de la parada militar, se contará con con los líderes de la nación. " Cada líder en la historia moderna de China inspeccionados al menos un militar 10/1/2009 - la edición en línea del sur de Chi ... / ... / ... 8ff97048fdb04210 vgnextoid = 1 / 2 desfile desde la atalaya de Tiananmen - Mao Zedong durante los primeros 11 desfiles 1949-59, Deng Xiaoping en 1984, y Jiang Zemin en 1999. El hecho de que Hu Jintao, Presidente de la Nación y secretario general de la el Partido Comunista, iba a recibir el ejército en lugar de la Premier Wen Jiabao, el jefe de gobierno, reafirma una vez más el partido-ejército de bonos y la autoridad de Hu, dijo Lau. No hace falta ser un maestro de feng Fung saber que los próximos 30 años serán crucial en el desarrollo de China. La experiencia internacional demuestra que los países con el producto interno bruto la renta per cápita llegando a 3.000 dólares EE.UU. comenzará a ver un crecimiento en la vida civil la sociedad y las exigencias políticas. "Los próximos 30 años serán críticos para el éxito continuado de China. Se cuando el énfasis de desarrollo debe pasar de la cantidad a la calidad ", Lau dijo. "El gobierno debe dejar de más poder, y la gente debe aprender a respetar la ley ". En una nota más ligera, Lau también se divierte que mover de un tirón el número "60" al revés produce "09".

"XTB" Xavi.